About Us

At the Proactive Health Informatics research group (ProHealth), we study how technology can empower people to understand, manage, and improve their health. Our research lies at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction, Health Informatics, and UX and UI design, but can also include adjacent domains such as Psychology, Data Science, and Gender Studies.

Our work spans a variety of approaches and epistimologies. Whether it's interviewing a target population on their lived health experiences, co-designing a supportive technology with key stakeholders, or developing and deploying a health support system in the wild, we're interested in learning the many different ways technology can have a positive impact on people's everyday health and wellbeing.

Interested in working with us? We actively recruit motivated PhD students and postdoctoral collaborators. If you are in either of those categories, reach out to the faculty you share research interests with. We are also open to working with BS and MS students. If you are in this category, take a class taught by one of our faculty or inquire about independent study opportunities.

Our Faculty

Katie Siek

Full Professor

Email: ksiek@indiana.edu
ORCID: Click here

Patrick Shih

Associate Professor

Email: patshih@indiana.edu
Google Scholar: Click here

James Clawson

Assistant Professor

Email: clawsonj@indiana.edu
Google Scholar: Click here

Dana Habeeb

Assistant Professor

Email: dhabeeb@indiana.edu
Google Scholar: Click here

Elizabeth Kaziunas

Assistant Professor

Email: ekaziuna@iu.edu
Google Scholar: Click here

Our Students

Long-Jing (Claire) Hsu

PhD Candidate

Email: hsulon@iu.edu

Zaidat Ibrahim

PhD Candidate

Email: zaibrahi@iu.edu

Aswati Panicker

PhD Candidate

Email: apanicke@iu.edu

Fereshtehossadat Shojaei

PhD Candidate

Email: fshojaei@iu.edu

John A. Osorio Torres

PhD Candidate

Email: joosorio@iu.edu

Yuxing Wu

PhD Candidate

Email: ywu4@iu.edu

Arash Zakeresfahani

PhD Candidate

Email: azakeres@iu.edu

Cristina Bosco

PhD Student

Email: cribosco@iu.edu

Lisa Brey

PhD Student

Email: lbbrey@iu.edu

Rahul Devajji

PhD Student

Email: rdevajji@iu.edu

Michaela Krawczyk

PhD Student

Email: mikrawcz@iu.edu

Forum Modi

PhD Student

Email: modif@iu.edu

Vivian Nguyen

PhD Student

Email: vn5@iu.edu

Haoru Song

PhD Student

Email: hs73@iu.edu

Our Alumni